Our Team

We know your business

I’ve been serving businesses in this industry for 5+ years in a consulting role - and before that I was the right hand man in a print and apparel shop that doubled in revenue over 4 years.

I know how to get things done. I’m comfortable taking larger projects from idea to completion. The projects you’re looking to tackle are right in my wheelhouse.

Bunny Daniels
Bunny Daniels

Account Executive

Rabbat Minor
Rabbat Minor

Director of Demand Gen

Carrot Gillespie
Carrot Gillespie

Developer Advocate

Bunny Daniels
Bunny Daniels

Account Executive

Rabbat Minor
Rabbat Minor

Director of Demand Gen

Carrot Gillespie
Carrot Gillespie

Developer Advocate

Bun Haynes
Bun Haynes


Pawdro Pizzaro
Pawdro Pizzaro

Account Executive

Bun Haynes
Bun Haynes


Pawdro Pizzaro
Pawdro Pizzaro

Account Executive


We are a team of experienced developers and designers who build beautiful, performant, and secure web and mobile applications.

I think Directus is the BEST data management platform in the world. SUPER AWESOME

Ben Haynes

CEO at Directus
